Treehouse the Spiritual Shop

Soul Whisperers Card


Soul Whispers is a 33 card deck with simple messages from our Higher Selves that help us expand our consciousness and rise into the powerful, loving, free version of ourselves. Gentle reminders of love, compassion, gratitude, and magic, to help us grow our self awareness and look within. 

Deep meditation, a sense of infinite unity and love, heightened intuition and endless inspiration. Soul Whispers card deck came from that place, a place bigger than myself. The messages on the cards and in this booklet came from my personal realisations, experiences and beliefs. I feel that if my Higher Self - my soul - could speak, this is exactly what it would tell me. It would tell me that I am safe, that I am loved, that I can make anything happen. I truly believe these messages can be beneficial for anyone to hear. I also truly believe that we all share the same energy, all came from the same place, so if my Higher Self would tell me this, yours would, too. So, if it aligns with you and feels right to you, then you are welcome to use these cards to communicate with your Higher Self, and treat these messages as messages from your soul, or the Universe.


    •  33
  • CARD-203 Cards
  • Traditional Tarot card size 90 x 130 mm 
  •  Dreamy Moons
  •  Australia
  •  English

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