
Qualification 專業資格
- Clairvoyant
- Psychic Tarot Card Reader
塔羅解讀師 - International Certified Aura Analyst
國際認證氣場分析師 - International Certified Reiki Master
國際認證靈氣大師 - Feng Shui Consultant
風水師 - Graduate of BioGeometry Advance
地球生命探測學學位 - Graduate of Numerology Advance
命理學學位 - Tarot Class Tutor
塔羅班講師 - Spell Class Tutor
魔法結構課程講師 - Zen Card Class Tutor
禪咭班講師 - Intuition Class Tutor
增強第六感班講師 - Angel Card Class Tutor
天使咭講師 - Number of Life Class Tutor
生命靈數班講師 - Connect with Guide Class Tutor
專業通靈班講師 - Chakra Class Tutor
Introduction 簡介
Janus Chan (Jan Jan) was born in Hong Kong and grew up in New Zealand. Since childhood, she realized that she possessed a special gift and intuition allowing her to sense the energy in people and the environment. As her motivation to uncover energy’s connection to personal wellness grew, Jan Jan studied Tarot, Channelling, Aura Analysis, Reiki, and Crystal Healing under the guidance of well-known international clairvoyant, Lynette Ann Jennings, as well as international Reiki master, Robert Jennings, and has since expanded into other disciplines over the past 10 years.
Today, she combines her mastery of the spiritual and metaphysical realms to guide souls on their journeys towards personal wellness as a spiritual life coach. Jan Jan's impressive spirituality has become well renowned in Hong Kong and Taiwan, successfully attracting widespread media attention and leading to collaborations with international brands such as Dior, Cosmopolitan, and Swire Travel, amongst others. Her work has been featured in television, radio, and magazines, and she is the first Hong Kong television personality to also secure a permanent on-air role as a clairvoyant expert with several Taiwanese network channels. Recently, Jan Jan became the host of Hong Kong’s first astrology-themed television program on ViuTV.
魔法塔羅師JanJan出生於香港,在新⻄蘭⻑大的魔法塔羅師, 運用宇宙賜予的禮物將聖靈及指導靈的訊息轉述給有緣人。自小擁有通靈的特殊感應及與聖靈溝通的能力,在紐⻄蘭讀書期 間,機緣下遇上「國際著名通靈師」 Lynette Jennings 及其丈 夫「國際著名靈氣大師」 Robert Jennings,並跟隨對方學習⻄ 方魔法塔羅、通靈解讀、讀取個人能量場,及水晶寶石治療等。JanJan結合了塔羅牌占卜與通靈感應力,以宇宙賜予之能力傳遞 幸福與喜悅之光,協助人們在人生路途上更順利。回港短短半 年,JanJan超強的通靈預知能力引起廣泛注意,並多次獲邀接受 不同媒體採訪及參與不同類型節目。

As Trees brave the seasons, they must survive sunny days to last the cold frosty winters that may follow. The same is true of people. It’s important that we lay solid foundations and set proper goals for ourselves to weather any tumultuous difficulties ahead, stick to our convictions and persevere.
Advice from a tree 來自樹的啓發
。Stand tall and proud 昂首挺胸
。Go out on a limb 大膽嘗試自己想要的
。Remember your roots 飲水思源
。Drink plenty of water 飲足够的水份
。Be content with your natural beauty 滿足於你的自然美
。Enjoy the view 享受欣賞美景
Founded by a well-known spiritual consultant, Janus Chan (JanJan). Treehouse the Spiritual Shop was established in 2013 based on the philosophy that all living creatures are integral parts of nature. Through energy balancing services and a selection of spiritual wellness products, Treehouse aspires to guide souls to stay grounded with Mother Earth, connect to the divine, and feel their best in the body, mind, and spirit.
Treehouse 由知名通靈塔羅師Janus Chan (JanJan)創辦人在2013基於所有生物是屬於大自然的一部分的哲學所創辦。Treehouse 一直提倡内外上下都協調一致的「整體」概念,並於九年間一直致力為都市人重新建立「人」和「大地之母」之間的緊密聯繋,同時向大罛推廣身心靈健康的重要性。

Located in the hub of the business district, Treehouse has created a tranquil surrounding to slow the mind, relax, and holistically nurture spirituality for those seeking to be awakened. It is a spiritual hub that fosters personal well-being and bridges the inseparable link between oneself and the outside world.
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