Inspiring Carnelian - Freedom & Creativity
Freedom & Creativity
Carnelian Crystal & Sweet Orange Oil
Pure aromatherapy - Vegan
"I unleash fun and creativity from with me now."
3 salts packed with goodness and over 84 natural minerals. A natural way to increase magnesium and sulphate in the body. Natural flowers imbue their energy and fragrance along with pure aromatherapy.
A powerful combination of Sweet Orange Oil, Frankincense and potentised Carnelian Crystal, said to help bring freedom and creativity into our lives, whilst helping to rebalancing the Sacral Chakra.
Orange oil is so uplifting and cheery, it is often known as the ‘Smiley Oil’. Refreshing and warming, it helps bring an inner glow back to our lives, encouraging fun and laughter. Combined with the crystal energy of a Carnelian, which is THE crystal for motivation and creativity, keeping us in the present moment, and encouraging vitality. This unique blend is aligned to the Sacral chakra, encouraging flow, non-resistance and acceptance of change. Located at the lower abdomen, this chakra is about feelings, freedom and balanced sexuality. When the Sacral chakra is aligned we feel emotionally stable, passionate and full of expectation for a joyful life.
This collection works wonderfully for those who are seeking more fun and light heartedness, wanting to enhance their creativity or get their creative juices flowing. This blend is also used for any kind of addiction or those who are frigid in thinking and find it hard to relax into the flow of life.
Directions: Pour into running bath water, repeat the affirmation whilst relaxing into peace.
2-4 luxury baths. 200g.
Ingredients: Dead sea salt (maris sal), Epsom salt (Magnesium sulphate) Himalayan salt (maris sal), Bicarb of Soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate). Marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis), sweet orange (citrus aurantium dulcic), frankinsence (boswelia carteri), palmarosa oil (cymbopogon martini), homeopathic carnelian crystal.